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Moving on to the subject of this post, I do believe Ivermectin is one of the most relevant repurposed drugs in terms of its potential to add value in oncology. However, this is not the only reason that motivates me now to write about it. Instead, it is because of multiple questions of people regarding the most common and relevant
Moving on to the subject of this post, I do believe Ivermectin is one of the most relevant repurposed drugs in terms of its potential to add value in oncology. However, this is not the only reason that motivates me now to write about it. Instead, it is because of multiple questions of people regarding the most common and relevant Ivermectin doses used in oncology. As a result, the post below will give a specific attention to that aspect. Next to that, the other very important reason to me is that positive case reports started to emerge, after its use by oncology cancer patients.
As a practicing physician with decades of experience in teaching, it makes sense for me to speak out now about the colossal effectiveness of safe, cheap and readily accessible repurposed drugs now showing life-saving qualities for cancer patients.
As a practicing physician with decades of experience in teaching, it makes sense for me to speak out now about the colossal effectiveness of safe, cheap and readily accessible repurposed drugs now showing life-saving qualities for cancer patients.